How to take off makeup 

Hello friends, 

Creative title…. I know. 

I do love abit of skin care so I’m defiantly one of those people that has a very set night time make up removal routine. I can honestly say it took me years to get it right and find products that worked for me. The whole process takes about 3-4 minutes. 

Firstly: Makeup Eraser

Shoutout to my mum who surprised me with one of these bad boys.  Do not ask me how it works but what I can tell you is that it’s magestic.  It’s a cloth that takes of makeup with just water.  I use it at the start to take off the rough of my makeup ( mascara,eyeliner,lipstick) I cannot recommend this enough!  It can be bought in most large chemists or ordered online for 20ish euro.  I know it sounds pricey but it’s reusable for years and it’s much healthier for your skin (and the environment) than makeup wipes. I stick it in the washing machine every week or so to keep it fresh.

Next:Micellar Water

I didn’t like it at first but now I’m a believer.  It’s so  refreshening and satisfying because it smoothly glides over the skin and removes makeup effortlessly. 

I use cotton pads and it usually only takes one to fully remove the rest of my makeup.  Can be bought at any large supermarket or boots for 7ish euro and the bottle lasts about a month when used every day. 

Next: Cleanse and Moisturise

As mentioned in my “Things I Love” blog post the Cetaphil range is Bae. I use this to simply clean my face once I’m certain all the makeup is removed. I add a pea size amount of moisturiser after this.

Usually I’ll use some sort of vitamin e serum on top of my moisturiser at the end of a long day and my face feels so smooth and looks so bright the next day. 

And we’re done!

I adore doing makeup and having fun with it but I also enjoy being freshed face and letting the skin breathe. Hope you found this  helpful and if you have any other tips I’d love to hear them!


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