I like big books and I can not lie

Hello Friends,

The inspiration for this blog came from a young man I saw on the train with a rugged looking copy of  Great Expectaions buried in his coat pocket.  It was like a book recommending a person.

I have always been a huge fan of books.  I think there’s something about the darker days,a cosy fire and a great book that marry together so perfectly.  Below are a couple of books that I find myself coming back to time after time.  I hope you enjoy them too. 

P.s I Love You

 This was the first book that made me fall in love with writing.  I loved how Ahern was not afraid to be really funny.  The story consists of a young Irish women who receives monthly instructional letters from her recently deceased husband. There is a film but as all nerds know the book is better.

I actually got the book signed, she knew I wanted to be an author too ( I hope to have a book out someday)  

F**k it therapy 

I really do swear by this book.  I highly recommended anyone to buy it and flick through it. It’s a whole therapy centre around saying f**k it in the face of anything that is causing you stress/anxiety. It sometimes is really that simple.

Strong Looks Better Naked 

What a fabulous book! I got it from Santa last year and now love Khloé even more (if that’s possible) It’s a beautiful, honest and raw account of her life and search for inner strength,peace and harmony over the past 2 years.

All My Sons

I actually read this for my Leaving  Cert English but it really impacted me.  It’s a short novel that tracks social responsibility in a post war U.S. It’s one of those books that I wished I hadn’t read so I could read and experience for the first time again. 

Things Get Better & Start you day with Katie

Katie Piper is defiantly on my list of people I’d love to meet.  I find her so relatable and guiding. Every  morning  I read a uplifting quote from her book… Because the world needs more uplifting quotes. Today’s quote : To know that you have survived before is to know that you will do so again.

Parisian Chic

I love really simple classic style and this book is the definition of that.  The book caters to all ages and focuses on beauty and style in the most simplistic way possible. 

The Dating Game 

A fun little book that gives ‘big sister advice’ on how to handle everything from a message left on seen to a disasterous Tinder date (crys internally)(f**k it)


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