How to be Single


Hello Friends,

I watched the movie ‘How to be Single’ recently and it really got me thinking .  There are pros and cons to being single and being in a relationship but I think it’s so important to relish whatever stage you are at in your life and at the moment I am enjoying being 100% single.  Life is far to short to be with someone who doesn’t get you and doesn’t give you the same feeling you get when you see you food coming in the restaurant.  Nothing in life is permanent, singleness included so why not have fun with it because before you know it you are all loved up again with Taylor Swift songs on repeat.

So,to all the single ladies out there or any new comers I have devised a whimsical list of my own guide on How to be Single.

1) Sleep around

Yes,sleep around.  You can sleep all over that bed of yours. Sleep in the middle ,on the right side,on the left side,all over the bed.You go girl.
2) Selfies 

Take so many selfies to show your imaginary boyfriend what he is missing.  Commit and stay focused,it could take days. If you’re having a day where you don’t want to take a selfie grab your nearest dog or inanimate object to take some of the attention off you in the photo. Still cute tho.

3) Drunk Text

There is absolutely no fear of drunk texting  when you are 100% single.  So you drink that third Jägerbomb worry free.  Slainte!  Top tip: How to know which boy you like…

Step 1) Get drunk .

Step 2) You’ll cry over the boy you like.
4)Red lipstick

Pro to being single, no chance of smudging your lip stick. I watched a 5 minute long YouTube video on this, I can not afford to mess it up. Whenever I wear red lips out I have  already made a conscience decision that I will not be smooching anyone.  Lippie before Kissie.  Single and failing to mingle.

5) Signature Dish

Anyone who knows me knows that cooking really isn’t my strong point. I aim to perfect a few signature dishes to dazzle anyone(beans on toast doesn’t count unfortunately).  I flick through the Happy Pear’s cookbook and Natural Born Feeder by Roz Purcell to no real success but God loves a trier.  On the plus side you never have to worry about sharing food. People usually don’t want what I cook because it’s so questionable.

6) Take yourself out

I take treat yoself to a new extreme.  Buy yourself that new outfit, have a coffee in that overpriced coffee shop and spend an extraordinary amount of money in the hairdresser. Your girl-friends won’t judge you,they understand.

7) Reality T.V shows

When you’re single you pretty much have full control over the T.V.  My advice is to watch as much Keeping up with the Kardashians as you can. The trashier the better! X Factor,Teen Mom,E! News. Never will you have to listen to the moans of bae who spends the entirety of each program explaining how stupid they think the show is.

8) Bed time 

If you’re ever lonely in bed at night invest in a huge teddy bear.  I’ve selected a limited edition Olaf (Frozen) Teddy Bear. Or watch a horror movie, suddenly you wont feel so alone anymore.

9) Pretty underwear

I read a book once and it had a paragraph all about the importance of wearing pretty underwear. It’s suppose to promote confidence and self esteem.  It doesn’t matter if no one will see them, you will.  So go on,take out a small loan and buy that French lace bra.
10) Be Happy

I think no matter what your relationship status is it’s important to be at peace with it. I,like most people,are drawn to happy people.  The ones that make you feel better by just being with them. I aim to be one of those people,with or without a fella.







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