Food for thought 

Hello Friends, 
This photo of a girl on O’ Connell street defiantly got my attention.  I have been a vegetarian for 7 years today so this topic really strikes a chord with me. 

A lot of people ask me why I chose to stop eating meat and I suppose the answer is altruism.  To be honest, it just really hurts my feelings when I think about it. I think about how my dog is sleeping beside me safe,warm and loved and how other animals will never know that feeling. I think about the suffering,beatings overcrowding,boardom and torture that these animals endure all day,every day .  I think about the fact that we’re feeding 56 billion animals annually instead of feeding starving people.  I think about the animals being pumped full of antibiotics.  I think of the agricultural methane gas emissions.  I think of the forests being destroyed to make way for cattle ranches. I think about the obesity epidemic. I think about how processed meat is now classed as a carcinogenic. I think about how as humans we are not physiologically designed to eat meat (Dr. William C. Roberts found conclusive evidence to support this) 

I do not want to force anything down anyone throat,I’m not foe gras (I think about that too). You do you boo,these are just my thoughts and my feelings on this difficult,complex topic.

I suppose I’ve just gone too far down this awful rabbit hole.I have watched many undercover videos (Farm to ridge, Earthlings, Freelee the banana girl  ) inside abetoirs and slaughterhouses and I just can’t forget the  sounds of the animals being abused and their cry for the help that isn’t coming. I just can’t justify being part of the mass production of life and the brutal,inhumane and barbaric way that these living,breathing and feeling creatures are treated. 

Fair play to yer wan on the ground. I knew what I’ll be eating for Christmas dinner…. roast human. 


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