
Hello Friends, 

Just a quick post to say Happy New Year and I really hope 2017 is a superb year for you all. 

 It has been one of the toughest, most painful years of my entire life while also being one of the best years ever. I have meet some of the most amazing people, had some incredible experiences and had moments when I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. Those are the moments I’ll take from 2016 and try to leave all the other crap moments behind.

 Someone once told me the secret to happiness in your 20’s is having the ability to let go of things, people, habits, relationships, places, Leaving Certs… 

And that’s what I’m aiming for. Being able to seemlessly let go,move on and try better next time.

I also made a list of 12 things that I want to achieve in 2017. Watch this space.


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