Happy Clappy

Hey friends,

I’m just going to gloss over the fact that I haven’t wrote a blog post in 2 month. 

Anywho, I’d consider myself quite a bubbly,upbeat happy person (80% of the time, the other 20% stay far,far away). So, it got me thinking about things that make me happy.  It would be impossible and frankly slightly demonic if someone was happy 100% of the time.  Happiness is not a constant thing but I really do believe that contentment can be found everyday, by stringing together all the little “yay” moments and trying not to look behind or ahead but around.  

~List of thing to do to turn that frown upside down~

1) Buy flowers from on Grafton Street and spend at least 3-5 mins deciding which ones.

2) Listen to the radio every morning.

3) Perfect the art of smiling and nodding when someone brings blank’s name up in conversation.

4) Change your bedsheets.

5) Spend some time with a flurry animal of your choice.

6) FaceTime your family.

7) Throw out/ donate anything that has a negative memory attached to it.

8) Read a book the shop assistant suggests.

9)  Plan a trip.

10) Make a smoothie.

11) Enter a competition.

12)  Write letters for anything left unsaid and don’t send them(or do you mad scone).

13) Have a bath.

14) Turn your phone off.

15) Take pretty pictures.

16) Go for a walk with no specific destination or time limit.

17) Cry for as long as you need to,you will eventually stop.

18) Do not listen to sad songs.

19) Tidy you room.

20) Paint your nails.

21) Change your hair colour/ length.

22) Give blood.

23) Google random facts.

24) Light a candle and take a second to listen to the sound of the wick burning.

25) Go to the movies and eat whatever treats you want.

26) Send a thank you card to anyone who made an positive impact on you.

27) Say thank you.

28) Go to the sea, it’s good for the soul.

29) Clear out your wardrobe.

30) Go out of your way to do something kind.

31) Wear a face mask.

32) Buy a new toothbrush and whitening toothpaste (sounds strange but it really is the little things) 

33) Find a new favourite song.

34) Read the news headlines everyday.

35) Ask your dog for advice.

36) Buy the expensive af magazine and enjoy every page of its over priced goodness.

37)  Create a look book.

38) Pay for your friends lunch.

39)  Write a book as if no one will ever see it.

40) Go on a date.

41) Watch a makeup tutorial on YouTube and recreate it.

42) Read conspricary theories (literally your mind will be blown) .

43) Go food shopping.

44) Throw out old,almost empty shampoo and conditioner bottles that are crowding your shower fun time.

45) Chew bubblegum.

46) Wear comfy clothes.

47) Invest in a decent water filter bottle (my favourite is bobble) and takes a  daily vitamin.

48) Let your hair air dry.

49) Perfect a new hairstyle.

50) Make another persons happy.



Hello Friends,

My mind has been in a bit of a tizzy lately. Starting hospital placement 2 weeks ago has opened my mind,eyes and heart to things I have never experienced before.  I have been finding it quite hard to detached myself and switch off from it all. 

I think most people have this problem from time to time and something I’ve learnt that helps me to ground myself is taking photos. This is know as photo presense  (term coined by Matthew Johnstone in Capturing mindfulness).  It’s the idea that by stopping to take a photo you are 100 % in the moment. You are not thinking about yesterday’s trauma or tomorrow’s uncertainty but rather fully committed to capturing what is right in front of you.

It is something I would defiantly recommend to anyone who is experiencing an over active mind. I went to one of the most beautiful places ever, the Portrane – Donabate Cliff walk and began clicking away with my I- Phone and DSLR camera and I felt extremely calm and peaceful. I really do believe that when life gets abit messy one of the best things to do is to get out of the house and into the fresh air. 

‘With all its sham,drudgery  and broken dreams,it is still a beautiful world,strive to be happy’



Hello Friends, 

Just a quick post to say Happy New Year and I really hope 2017 is a superb year for you all. 

 It has been one of the toughest, most painful years of my entire life while also being one of the best years ever. I have meet some of the most amazing people, had some incredible experiences and had moments when I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. Those are the moments I’ll take from 2016 and try to leave all the other crap moments behind.

 Someone once told me the secret to happiness in your 20’s is having the ability to let go of things, people, habits, relationships, places, Leaving Certs… 

And that’s what I’m aiming for. Being able to seemlessly let go,move on and try better next time.

I also made a list of 12 things that I want to achieve in 2017. Watch this space.


Stressed but well dressed- Birthday Edition 

Hello Friends,

This is a special post dedicated to what I wore for my family birthday party,my birthday night out,a birthday dinner and a birthday movie preview (say birthday again).  Why have one day dedicated to your day of birth when you can have 4 ?! 

Family Party 

Shoes:  Found  them on the floor of the topshop winter sale… €7. I love this style of shoe, it’s far more comfortable than heels but fancier than the beloved converse.

Dress:  Connolly & Moore Drogheda. What a hidden gem. If you’re from the area defiantly google the address and have a look. (It’s near Main Street).  It stocks beautiful dresses that are very unique and one of a kind. This particular one was from ASOS own brand and I got it for €50 reduced from €110.

Hair : Babyliss Wand curler 

Nails: Rimmel Kate Moss Gel blue babe 

Movie Preview 

Shoes:  Addias Superstars

Jeans:  Joni Topshop

Coat:  Avoca (Mum’s wardrobe)

Knit Jumper:  Zara (last winter)

Rucksack:  Pennys 

Scarf:  I started the day without the scarf.  When I was leaving my mum told me to bring a scarf because it was cold outside.   Being the rebel of the household I told her I’d be fine.  On our way to the cinema we made an emergency stop to Pennys to pick up a scarf because I was frezzing.  Moral of the story… Listen to your mum. Price of scarf:€11… Smug look on my mum’s face priceless.

Glasses: Specsavers own brand. I just don’t think you can go wrong with big,black frames.

* we got the opportunity to go see a special preview of  The Edge of Seventeen. It was honestly the best movie I’ve seen in awhile. So honestly refreshing and painfully relatable. 


Shoes:  Black Converse all stars

Leather jeans: River Island. I ripped an ttX nthe knee myself. I defiantly prefer ripped jeans.

Shirt under jumper: denim shirt from Zara

Jumper: Zara

Red Bow: Dunnes Store (kid’s section)

Rucksack: Pennys

Night out

Shoes: Heeled boots Topshop

Jeans: River Island ripped Molly 

Top: Topshop sale rail 2 years ago

Sash and badges :  From my stunnerz gal pals.

Sequinned Mermaid bomber: Jaded London. It is the same one Taylor Swift wore in her 1989 tour and I am in love with it. 

Makeup: done by the wonderful Aoife Kelly. She used the SOSU contour pallete and a two-faced eye shadow pallete.

Ring: A 21st gift from my momma. Tiffany infinity ring.

Nails: Shellac in the colour Birthday Cake

Thank you to everyone for making my birthday(s) fab. Yis are true huns.


Food for thought 

Hello Friends, 
This photo of a girl on O’ Connell street defiantly got my attention.  I have been a vegetarian for 7 years today so this topic really strikes a chord with me. 

A lot of people ask me why I chose to stop eating meat and I suppose the answer is altruism.  To be honest, it just really hurts my feelings when I think about it. I think about how my dog is sleeping beside me safe,warm and loved and how other animals will never know that feeling. I think about the suffering,beatings overcrowding,boardom and torture that these animals endure all day,every day .  I think about the fact that we’re feeding 56 billion animals annually instead of feeding starving people.  I think about the animals being pumped full of antibiotics.  I think of the agricultural methane gas emissions.  I think of the forests being destroyed to make way for cattle ranches. I think about the obesity epidemic. I think about how processed meat is now classed as a carcinogenic. I think about how as humans we are not physiologically designed to eat meat (Dr. William C. Roberts found conclusive evidence to support this) 

I do not want to force anything down anyone throat,I’m not foe gras (I think about that too). You do you boo,these are just my thoughts and my feelings on this difficult,complex topic.

I suppose I’ve just gone too far down this awful rabbit hole.I have watched many undercover videos (Farm to ridge, Earthlings, Freelee the banana girl  ) inside abetoirs and slaughterhouses and I just can’t forget the  sounds of the animals being abused and their cry for the help that isn’t coming. I just can’t justify being part of the mass production of life and the brutal,inhumane and barbaric way that these living,breathing and feeling creatures are treated. 

Fair play to yer wan on the ground. I knew what I’ll be eating for Christmas dinner…. roast human. 


Style Inspos



Hello Freinds,

I spend more time then I will ever admit on the internet machine scrolling through on fleek outfits.  I have a handful of people who’s style I use as a springboard for my own.  It’s difficult to describe my style but at the moment I love any looks from the 90s-scrunchies, dungarees, slouchy logo jumpers, boyfriend jeans, natural hair and eyebrows, minimal makeup.  I also love the simple classics- Breton strip, polo necks, denim shirts, fluffy dresses, black-on-black, skinny jeans. I have selected 6 of my all time favourite Style Icons.

Warning: Risk of some serious girl crushes forming.


Taylor Hill

-Rucksacks, Skater skirts, Boyfriend Jeans, Topknot, White tees.



Cressida Bonas

-Festival Chic, Double Denim, Oversized knit sweaters, Runners, Ankle boots.


Rachel Green

-Pinnacle of 90’s style, Tartan, Baggy logo jumpers, Dungarees, Sneakers.


Kendall Jenner

-Ripped Jeans, Chokers, Off the shoudler top, Band T-shirt, Tartan shirt around waist, Ray Bans.


Bridget Bardot

-Messy Hair, Leather Jacket, Bandanas, Strips, Round neck jumpers, Denim rolled up shirts, Leather Jacket.


Carrie Bardshaw

-Feminine, Colorful, Dresses, Heels,Curley big Hair, Accessories.



How to be Single


Hello Friends,

I watched the movie ‘How to be Single’ recently and it really got me thinking .  There are pros and cons to being single and being in a relationship but I think it’s so important to relish whatever stage you are at in your life and at the moment I am enjoying being 100% single.  Life is far to short to be with someone who doesn’t get you and doesn’t give you the same feeling you get when you see you food coming in the restaurant.  Nothing in life is permanent, singleness included so why not have fun with it because before you know it you are all loved up again with Taylor Swift songs on repeat.

So,to all the single ladies out there or any new comers I have devised a whimsical list of my own guide on How to be Single.

1) Sleep around

Yes,sleep around.  You can sleep all over that bed of yours. Sleep in the middle ,on the right side,on the left side,all over the bed.You go girl.
2) Selfies 

Take so many selfies to show your imaginary boyfriend what he is missing.  Commit and stay focused,it could take days. If you’re having a day where you don’t want to take a selfie grab your nearest dog or inanimate object to take some of the attention off you in the photo. Still cute tho.

3) Drunk Text

There is absolutely no fear of drunk texting  when you are 100% single.  So you drink that third Jägerbomb worry free.  Slainte!  Top tip: How to know which boy you like…

Step 1) Get drunk .

Step 2) You’ll cry over the boy you like.
4)Red lipstick

Pro to being single, no chance of smudging your lip stick. I watched a 5 minute long YouTube video on this, I can not afford to mess it up. Whenever I wear red lips out I have  already made a conscience decision that I will not be smooching anyone.  Lippie before Kissie.  Single and failing to mingle.

5) Signature Dish

Anyone who knows me knows that cooking really isn’t my strong point. I aim to perfect a few signature dishes to dazzle anyone(beans on toast doesn’t count unfortunately).  I flick through the Happy Pear’s cookbook and Natural Born Feeder by Roz Purcell to no real success but God loves a trier.  On the plus side you never have to worry about sharing food. People usually don’t want what I cook because it’s so questionable.

6) Take yourself out

I take treat yoself to a new extreme.  Buy yourself that new outfit, have a coffee in that overpriced coffee shop and spend an extraordinary amount of money in the hairdresser. Your girl-friends won’t judge you,they understand.

7) Reality T.V shows

When you’re single you pretty much have full control over the T.V.  My advice is to watch as much Keeping up with the Kardashians as you can. The trashier the better! X Factor,Teen Mom,E! News. Never will you have to listen to the moans of bae who spends the entirety of each program explaining how stupid they think the show is.

8) Bed time 

If you’re ever lonely in bed at night invest in a huge teddy bear.  I’ve selected a limited edition Olaf (Frozen) Teddy Bear. Or watch a horror movie, suddenly you wont feel so alone anymore.

9) Pretty underwear

I read a book once and it had a paragraph all about the importance of wearing pretty underwear. It’s suppose to promote confidence and self esteem.  It doesn’t matter if no one will see them, you will.  So go on,take out a small loan and buy that French lace bra.
10) Be Happy

I think no matter what your relationship status is it’s important to be at peace with it. I,like most people,are drawn to happy people.  The ones that make you feel better by just being with them. I aim to be one of those people,with or without a fella.







I like big books and I can not lie

Hello Friends,

The inspiration for this blog came from a young man I saw on the train with a rugged looking copy of  Great Expectaions buried in his coat pocket.  It was like a book recommending a person.

I have always been a huge fan of books.  I think there’s something about the darker days,a cosy fire and a great book that marry together so perfectly.  Below are a couple of books that I find myself coming back to time after time.  I hope you enjoy them too. 

P.s I Love You

 This was the first book that made me fall in love with writing.  I loved how Ahern was not afraid to be really funny.  The story consists of a young Irish women who receives monthly instructional letters from her recently deceased husband. There is a film but as all nerds know the book is better.

I actually got the book signed, she knew I wanted to be an author too ( I hope to have a book out someday)  

F**k it therapy 

I really do swear by this book.  I highly recommended anyone to buy it and flick through it. It’s a whole therapy centre around saying f**k it in the face of anything that is causing you stress/anxiety. It sometimes is really that simple.

Strong Looks Better Naked 

What a fabulous book! I got it from Santa last year and now love Khloé even more (if that’s possible) It’s a beautiful, honest and raw account of her life and search for inner strength,peace and harmony over the past 2 years.

All My Sons

I actually read this for my Leaving  Cert English but it really impacted me.  It’s a short novel that tracks social responsibility in a post war U.S. It’s one of those books that I wished I hadn’t read so I could read and experience for the first time again. 

Things Get Better & Start you day with Katie

Katie Piper is defiantly on my list of people I’d love to meet.  I find her so relatable and guiding. Every  morning  I read a uplifting quote from her book… Because the world needs more uplifting quotes. Today’s quote : To know that you have survived before is to know that you will do so again.

Parisian Chic

I love really simple classic style and this book is the definition of that.  The book caters to all ages and focuses on beauty and style in the most simplistic way possible. 

The Dating Game 

A fun little book that gives ‘big sister advice’ on how to handle everything from a message left on seen to a disasterous Tinder date (crys internally)(f**k it)


Stressed but well dressed 

I cannots believe it’s been 4 weeks since starting college! It’s still abit overwhelming but with copious amounts of coffee, laughs and student discounts we have all survived the first month. Below are a couple of the of outfits I’ve throw together over the past 2 weeks.


Knitted Bomber: Pennys 

Top: French Connection

Jeans: Zara

Shoes: Converse 

Backpack: Random shop in Geogre’s Arcade.  I just couldn’t leave the shop without it, I have very little self control when it comes to anything iridescent.  It’s  actually a ready good size though and really comfy too. (Worn everyday so it’s a good investment,right? ) 


It was only a matter of time before the dungerrees came out to play. Also, I watched a 8 min long YouTube video on how to do the perfect ponytail ( I wish I was joking) In a nutshell, start with your hair as if you’re going to do a half up half down style,backbrush and then gather the hair from underneath. It creates a ponytail that looks fuller and frames the face better (these are the things that excite me) 

Dungarees: Topshop 

Sweater: Topshop 

Shoes: Addias Superstars 


On this day the girlos and I decided to go to the college gym for the first and possibly last time…joking #weightsbeforedates. 


White Shirt: Zara

Jeans: The label has worn off so your guess is as good as mine. I love dark blue (indigo) coloured skinny jeans. They literally go with everything. 

Runners: Nike revolution(worn at gym too)

Girl power top: €3 in Pennys sale 

Jogging bottoms : €5 in Pennys sale.  One of the trainers from my local gym said that Penny’s workout gear was just as good as some of the more expensive brands.  And they’re pretty. 


Cardigan: Zara 

Ripped Boyfriend Jeans: Zara 

Top: H&M 

Shoes : High top white Converse

Scarf: Pennys 

Nail: I used Sally Hansen ‘ All Chalked up’ shade 230. It’s a pale lilac as a base.  Then the Topshop gliter polish ‘Rising Star’ on top. I dab on the glitter to pack on the colour. (It takes awhile but I love how it turns out)


Hat: Suzanne Ryan Pom Pom beanie. It’s officially hat season,shake your pom-poms! 

Bomber: Topshop

Sweater: H&M

Jeans : Last  time getting away with my Joni white jeans from Topshop… See you in Summer my love.

Shoes: Addias Superstars 


How to take off makeup 

Hello friends, 

Creative title…. I know. 

I do love abit of skin care so I’m defiantly one of those people that has a very set night time make up removal routine. I can honestly say it took me years to get it right and find products that worked for me. The whole process takes about 3-4 minutes. 

Firstly: Makeup Eraser

Shoutout to my mum who surprised me with one of these bad boys.  Do not ask me how it works but what I can tell you is that it’s magestic.  It’s a cloth that takes of makeup with just water.  I use it at the start to take off the rough of my makeup ( mascara,eyeliner,lipstick) I cannot recommend this enough!  It can be bought in most large chemists or ordered online for 20ish euro.  I know it sounds pricey but it’s reusable for years and it’s much healthier for your skin (and the environment) than makeup wipes. I stick it in the washing machine every week or so to keep it fresh.

Next:Micellar Water

I didn’t like it at first but now I’m a believer.  It’s so  refreshening and satisfying because it smoothly glides over the skin and removes makeup effortlessly. 

I use cotton pads and it usually only takes one to fully remove the rest of my makeup.  Can be bought at any large supermarket or boots for 7ish euro and the bottle lasts about a month when used every day. 

Next: Cleanse and Moisturise

As mentioned in my “Things I Love” blog post the Cetaphil range is Bae. I use this to simply clean my face once I’m certain all the makeup is removed. I add a pea size amount of moisturiser after this.

Usually I’ll use some sort of vitamin e serum on top of my moisturiser at the end of a long day and my face feels so smooth and looks so bright the next day. 

And we’re done!

I adore doing makeup and having fun with it but I also enjoy being freshed face and letting the skin breathe. Hope you found this  helpful and if you have any other tips I’d love to hear them!
