Why I cut my hair 

Hello friends, 

Recently,I chopped my pony tail off for three reasons.

Reason 1: I have always admired short hair. I think it makes a person look much older and more put together.  It’s something I thought I could never pull off because I have quite a round face and lacked the required bone structure I thought was needed for shorts locks.

Reason 2: My hair was falling out. Whenever I would brush or wash it I would get big clumps of long hair in my hand/ brush and it freaked me out.  I think it was a combination of stress and dead hair shedding.  I really sympathised with people who experienced hair loss because even my brief and subtle experience with it stressed me out and make me feel very self conscious. 

Reason 3: I wanted to do some good. I was at the end of hospital placement and constantly felt very helpless.  I would wrack my brain for something that I, with my limited nursing knowledge, could do to help i.e make tea, paint nails, tell stories, buy the newspaper.  If I was going to cut my hair off (something I was very protective of) I didn’t want it to be in vain so I researched and came across a charity called Little Princess Trust that make wigs for children with hair loss.  I thought ‘look at me, a 21 year old that is stressing because my hair is slightly thinning when there are kids who have lost it all’.  I called the hairdresser and made an appointment.  

The whole experience was pretty simple and all you have to do is wash the hair,put it in a low ponytail and then cute above the elastic band,dry it and make sure you plait the ponytail before putting it in a zip lock bag and send it to Little Princess Trust, Broadway House, 32-35 Broad st, Hereford, HR4 9AR, UK.  *This charity accepts colored hair. Make sure to included your email address in the envelope and they will update you when your hair has arrived*


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