Things I would rather do than study 

Hello friends!

It has come to my attention quite recently that there are many things I would rather do than study so I have compiled a list and number one on that list is to make lists on my blog when I should be studying.  Pray for Kate.

1) Fight McGregor

I’ve watched Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood music video about 100 times so I think I know afew things about MMA.  Also, he’s newly become a parent so I think he’ll take it easy on me.  No cage fight could compared to the absolute bashing I’m going to get from these exam papers. 

2) Stop and talk to the charity worker.

Possibly the most annoying people on the streets. The young, upbeat usually good looking concern/goal/trocarie gang that try to stop you when you’re walking.  I think the chairity thing is great it’s just the envasion of personal space I don’t like.  One day I’ll stop, until then I’ll donate my spare change.

3) Go on Tinder on national television 

…and win. 

4) Dye my hair pink 

It takes an hour to put the dye in and 25 minutes to wash it out,that is an entire hour of your day not studying.

6) Google how many calories are in a 99 ice cream 

And eat it anyway.

7) Get my passport photo taken

Admittedly nobody likes getting their passport photo taken. It’s sorta awkward and strange and they never turn out that great (if you have a nice passport photo then we can’t be friends).  And yet, I would rather stand in front of a pull down white blind in the middle of boots than study. 

8) Watch 13 Reasons Why  backwards 

Why you might ask, well I’ve already watched it the correct way. I think that if you were to watch it backwards the story would be more palatable and have a happier ending. Clearly,I’m still not over it. 

9) Pay for pain 

True story: today I payed cold hard cash for a lady to tediously extract facial hair from one of the most sensitive areas of the body… Or more commonly known as plucking eyebrows.  Still less painful than studying. 

10) Hussle for that muscle

I have a love/hate relationship with the gym but surprising I get very into my personal fitness just around exam season.  Defiantly a pro at crastinating.

11) Tell everyone how much I have to study

My college group chat consists a lot of “I’m so screwed… I’ve done nothing… When are repeats again… Asking for a friend…” 

12) Read self help books 

If I am aware and intune with my inner self the answers in the exam will come to me… Right? 


13) Assemble IKEA furniture

 Yes,that’s right I would rather construct a desk rather than sit at one. I’ll go one step further and say I wouldn’t even read the instructions. The desk chair in the picture below? I assembled that by myself one day INSTEAD OF STUDYING… It took me hours.

14) Post a selfie on Instagram and get 0 likes

It would be less of a knock to my self esteem than these exams. 

In all seriousness though, education, exams and study are important. Work hard,pray hard and play hard and I think we’ll all be okay. Mammy has the candle lit. 


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