Going to camp for 3 months #J1Hun

Hello friends! 

Just a quick notice that I am heading to summer camp tomorrow to work as a camp counsellor for the next 3 months!  I am working in South Carolina in the mountains which means very little mobile phone service and little to no internet! I am beyond excited for this summer adventure and will do my best to keep everyone updated. 

 So, if anyone has any major gossip, decalrations of love or if any new memes pop up please feel free to keep your girl in the loop by writing to me at YMCA Camp Greenville, Cleveland, South Carolina, 29635, United States.  I hope everyone has a amazing summer too.  Summer camp has  always been something that I’ve wanted to be involved in so I am grateful for this opportunity and thank you to everyone who has loved, supported and encouraged me.  

Now did someone say s’mores…?!

-K (J1 Hun) 

P.s I love you Bobbie.

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