Fresh Resolutions

Hey friends,

My 2018 has started with a positive vibe.  I attended the Fresh Resolutions event in the RDS yesterday.  I left feeling energised and generally just more upbeat.  The event included a number of speakers sharing their own experiences with not just surviving life but thriving and becoming more successful, healthier and most importantly finding their happiness. 

Alison Canavan 

This lady was the speaker that most resonated with me.  Her beauty,wisdom and courage in telling her story was both refreshing and uplifting. I’d highly recommend you follow her on social media, she is an extraordinary women with an emotional and triumphant story. 

Positive people to follow 

Other speakers that I really enjoyed were Paddy Leddy, Jack Kavanagh, the Happy Pear,  Holly White, the Skin Nerd and Roz Purcell. All of these people, in my opinion, deserve a follow on Instagram.  They all speak with insight into life and success and are not afraid to admit the darker side of life that many of us struggle with.  Food was a huge focal point too and how the right ones can help heal you and make you semi unstoppable (see twins handstand below). 

Overall, the general vibe of the event was an holistic approach to well- being.  I am a firm believer in the mind, body and soul approach to health and happiness.  From listening to these speakers and the hardships they have faced it granted me hope and optimism. 


 I decided that 2018 was going to be the year of self care.  The last few months of 2017 were pretty challenging for me both academically  and personally and I really lost my way particularly in regards to self care/love.  I was eating very little, sleeping too much or not at all and just generally being abit of a negative Nelly and a sad Sally.  The event empowered me and gave me the spark that I needed to slowly start the momentum for a healthier, happier Kate through healthy eating, adequate sleep, mediation and practising gratitude. 

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