Self care Saturday 

Hey friends,

Self care is such a buzz word at the moment and more power to it! Speaking for myself I spend a lot of my time (as a student nurse in college and a HCA as my part time job) looking after others so I think it’s paramount that I look after number one first to be able to do this. Here are some of my favourite things to do to. 

Coconut Oil

In your hair, eyebrows, curries. Go wild. So many health benefits and super cheap.


It taste like monster munch. It not only feeds the body (corn is a vegetable right?!) it feeds the soul. Shoutout to Molly for introducing it to me.


I usually take one lysine (the best vitamin for preventing mouth ulcers and cold sores, thank me later) 2 chia oil, 1 centrum women and 1/2 magnesium ( helps combat fatigue and tiredness). 

Face mask 

I hope this clay mask makes up for the fact that didn’t take my makeup off several times this week. 

No alarm

Nothing gives me more happiness than not having to set an alarm. This isn’t something that I can do every day/ week (sadly) but when I can it really helps my mood. 


I adore reading and get through a book every week or so. Nothing gives me the feeling that words do. It a form of escapism for me and helps me relax and be creative. I’ve just finished Paris for One by JoJo Moyes. It’s about a girl who’s boyfriend abandons her right before their trip to Paris (can’t relate). I found it a really empowering, funny and hopeful story. 


I love writing too and journal regularly. If I’m in a weird place I always end you writing about it. 

I once read that self care isn’t always about a ten euro bath bomb from Lush or an expensive processo lunch sometimes it’s about a day by yourself, eating well and treating your body well. Sometimes it’s all I need. 

Now did someone say processo…?


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